Sitemap - 2021 - Jaffarian's Little Newsletter on Nonprofits & Research

What to do when things are going well

Organizational fear and the avoidance of reality

Is it research or is it just being nosy?

All research has bias. Here’s why that’s no big deal.

Outsiders see things that you don’t.

Accountability policies are not about mistrust.

When to exit from promo mode.

Don’t treat everyone the same.

One way to find the real values of your organization. 

Smart person = good. Bug crusher = bad. 

It’s about the results, not the activities.

Leaders are Learners. Learners are Leaders.

It might not be more marketing that you need.

Mission statements: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Listening is as difficult as it is important.

What to do if you have big dreams for your organization

Why Do Major Donors Give? Seven Different Reasons.

do you have a love or a hate relationship with program evaluation?

when the only data you have are testimonials

the four ways your organization can benefit from an outside consultant

when donors and doers speak different languages

one of the best fund-raising flyers I ever wrote

let’s encourage impulse philanthropy

measure results + do more of what works

how to get your donors to trust you – and give more

what’s he up to now?!

six terrific social media marketing tips

what people are really saying when they ask if their donation will make a difference

If you don’t ask, they don’t give

did you see the cheese-dip ad?

keep track of your crises

do your donors want to bless others or themselves?

why you should care about data literacy

Peter Drucker has something he wants to tell you

what’s he up to now?!

are the Gideons crazy or brilliant?

another source of stress for nonprofit leaders and activists

nonprofit mergers and how to do it smart

have you ever thought of doing a merger?

why is it so hard to kill a nonprofit?

“The Greatest Need In The World Today!!”

for your mission statement, try this little trick

don’t ever, ever say that again. Ever.

not all research reports gather dust

have you ever buried a beloved pet?

if you innovate, evaluate

are you really sure God told you that?

life would be easier if things didn't change

death to SWOT!

the wrong way to find a consultant

who are you really working for?

the dark side of innovation

what's on your dashboard?

feed your head